martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011

A small hiatus

As I said before, I've been terribly busy this past days. Also, I expect to be equally busy this weekend, and I'm currently down with a cold. I expect to release a video before Friday, however.

In the meantime, I am testing interactions between Redpower, Buildcraft, Railcraft, Minefactory, Forestry, Mo's Creatures and Equivalent Exchange, at least until Industrialcraft is released (and depending on the number of IDs he will require).

Mind you, I'd like to see soomething similar to the Ore Dictionary for other blocks aswell (for example, having Bluetricity and IC seems redundant in regards to cables and solar panels). Oh, I also tried to play Better Than Wolves with at least Redpower or Buildcraft (not the 3.0 alpha), but Minecraft crashed horribly, so I'd say that BTW is now mostly incompatible with anything Forge related. Which is sad, since I liked a lot of stuff from BTW (but not the use of water currents for transport, for that I prefer pipes or tubes).

Well, I hope to see you all in a few days. Stay tuned!

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