miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Minecraft Let's Play season 3, Episode 34

More tweaks to the recycler system (since the insertion pipes do not work all that nice with the recyclers, because since I am using two engines, sometimes two stone blocks want to go where only one can fit), which allows me to show you another interesting pipe.

But the really interesting part of the episode will be the updating of our automatic crafting system to be able to make all the necessary parts for a nuclear reactor (well, not all, the reactor chamber block is crafted so few times it is not necessary to make one there). Considering that most items do not stack in this recipes, and that Logistic Pipes require special considerations when it comes to that kind of stuff, we will see a new logistic pipe in action today.

Also, I won't be using the bottom of the obelisk in the end, I think I will make a full fledged nuclear plant, hopefully using some buildcraft stuff and letting most of the parts to build themselves...

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